
Nakamura Shino filum konpeki Three Artists Exhibition| 2024.8.30-2024.10.8


No.1_特別企画| 9.8 ㊐ |彫刻家・中村志野 仏像とジュエリー「ブローチ制作ワークショップ」 https://www.instagram.com/shino_n_a/?hl=ja


|日 時|2024.9.8 ㊐  10時-12時(残1席) 13時 – 15時(満席)
|料 金|¥10,000(税込)
|定員| 定員各4名
|申 込|http://@hanamurasaki_sabo_gallery よりDM 先着順

No.2_特別企画 ジュエリー・filum ジュエリーカスタム&リフォームオーダー https://www.instagram.com/filum.jewelry/
|日 時|9月28日 (土)・29日(日) 12時ー 14時ー 16時ー (1枠2名まで)
|料 金|宝石持込:13万円~ フルオーダー:16万円~
|申込| @hanamurasaki_sabo_galleryより DM先着順 当日の状況によってはご予約なしでの参加も可能です。


彫刻家・中村志野氏 https://www.instagram.com/shino_n_a/?hl=ja


ジュエリー作家・filum(フィールム) https://www.instagram.com/filum.jewelry/


装身具・konpeki(コンペキ) https://www.instagram.com/konpeki_konpeki/

|期 間|2024年8月30日(金)-  10月8日(火)12:00-17:00 (休館日 9月4,5,11,12,17,18,24,25日 10月2,3日)
|場 所|石川県加賀市山中温泉東町一丁目ホ17-1  花紫ギャラリーにて


Three Artists Exhibition | 2024.8.30 – 10.8

Sculpture: Shino Nakamura @shino_n_a
Jewelry: filum @filum.jewelry
Ornaments: konpeki @konpeki_konpeki

“Wood, Stone, and Metal: Sculpted Forms”

Starting August 30th, a new exhibition at Hanamurasaki will feature a beautiful world crafted by three talented artists. Enjoy this unique display of their works.

We also offer special workshops in conjunction with the exhibition.

|Dates|2024.8.30 (Fri) – 10.8 (Tue)
|Hours|12:00 – 17:00

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Special Event 9.28 (Sat) & 29 (Sun)|Jewelry by filum Custom Jewelry & Remodeling Orders


Choose your favorite loose stones and have them crafted into original filum designs. We also offer remodeling services to turn your existing rings or gemstones into everyday jewelry. We have carefully selected diamonds, sapphires, and more from around the world. Find your perfect piece of jewelry at this event.

|Dates|2024.9.28 (Sat) & 29 (Sun) 12:00 – 17:00
|Fee|Based on order
|Sign-up|DM us via @hanamurasaki_sabo_gallery
*First come, first served. Walk-ins may be accepted depending on availability.


[ Sculptor ] Nakamura Shino https://www.instagram.com/shino_n_a/?hl=ja

Nakamura Shino began wood carving in university, deepening her expertise in

both technique and cultural significance. She earned a doctorate in the

preservation of Buddhist statues and later mastered woodturning in Yamanaka,

Ishikawa. Currently, she creates and restores Buddhist statues for temples while

crafting works that bridge the everyday and the sacred.

[ Jewelry ] filum https://www.instagram.com/filum.jewelry/

Amid everyday life, there are moments when something quietly captivates the heart, blending seamlessly into the ordinary. Filum creates pieces under the concept of “Jewelry for the Dining Table,” where, like carefully chosen tableware or cutlery, a delicate yet strong presence subtly transforms the atmosphere of daily life.

[ Accessories ] konpeki https://www.instagram.com/konpeki_konpeki/
The intricate carvings and patterns on the small parts create a mysterious form, reminiscent of industrial components or ancient script. Using a variety of materials, including brass, silver, and glass parts crafted entirely by the artist from cutting to processing, the brooches and obi clasps are beautiful pieces that highlight the individuality of those who wear them.


Exhibition period: August 30th, 2024 (Friday) – October 8th, 2024 (Tuesday). From 12:00-17:00(Closed days:September 4,5,11,12,17,18,24,25, and October 2,3)
Location: HANAMURASAKI Gallery, 1-Ho17-1, Higashimachi Yamanaka Onsen, Kaga, Ishikawa, Japan
Parking Information: The car park is located 2 minutes away by foot from Hanamurasaki, near Kurotani Bridge